UK open source crime data: accuracy and possibilities for research
Citation: L Tompson, S Johnson, M Ashby, C Perkins, P Edwards. 2014. UK open source crime data: accuracy and possibilities for research. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 42(2):97–111.
Published version (open access)
In the United Kingdom, since 2011 data regarding individual police recorded crimes have been made openly available to the public via the website. To protect the location privacy of victims these data are obfuscated using geomasking techniques to reduce their spatial accuracy. This paper examines the spatial accuracy of the data to determine at what level(s) of spatial resolution – if any – it is suitable for analysis in the context of theory testing and falsification, evaluation research, or crime analysis. data are compared to police recorded data for one large metropolitan Police Force and spatial accuracy is quantified for four different levels of geography across five crime types. Hypotheses regarding systematic errors are tested using appropriate statistical approaches, including methods of maximum likelihood. Finally, a “best-fit” statistical model is presented to explain the error as well as to develop a model that can correct it. The implications of the findings for researchers using the data for spatial analysis are discussed.