
This service lists the most-recent articles from criminology, criminal justice, crime science, penology and terrorism journals. It currently provides updates on new articles from 114 journals. About 97 new articles are published each week.

You can subscribe to this free service in several ways.

Daily email alerts

Get a once-daily email listing all the articles added to the various journal websites in the previous 24 hours. You can also read the most-recent email online. Your email address won’t be shared with anyone else or used for any other purpose.

To subscribe to the daily mailing list, send a blank email to – you will receive an automated reply asking you to click a link to confirm your subscription. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the end of every email alert you receive.

RSS feed

Subscribe to the CrimPapers RSS feed to see new articles in your RSS reader of choice.

Some technical notes

The data used to power this service come from the RSS feeds provided by each of the journal publishers. Some publishers provide better feeds than others and even within a publisher some journals give more information than others. Although RSS is a widely used standard, each publisher uses it in a slightly different way, so I can only reliably extract the article title and publication date. Not all journals give the authors of papers, but they’re included if possible.

Publication dates are problematic, because some journals add a paper to their RSS feeds when it is first published online, while others only add it when the article is published in the print edition of the journal. This service will let you know about an article as soon as it is added to a journal RSS feed, and make it clear if the article has published previously.